This will be the final blog project of the year. For this project you have two options:
- You will discuss something that you found particularly interesting that you learned this year because of the class. This could be a fact you came across in class or something that you found through these blogs projects. You will can write about that here. If you like, you may link to some Internet pages that add to this information.
- You can start some review. You should find a topic from the year and put together a review sheet. This must be an original work, and cannot simply be a copy of material that is already out there. You may set up a diagram or flow sheet for your information. If you cannot easily digitize it, hand it into your teacher and I will get it done. You can also organize the notes for a particular section. This should not simply be a collection of facts, but should be organized in a way to facilitate understanding the information.
This project must be completed by Sunday 6/6/2010. If you completed the previous May project it will earn extra credit. If you did not complete the previous project, but do a particularly noteworthy job on this it also may earn some extra credit.