This article titled, Compostable Plastics Have a Sweet Ending, discussed many topics that are important to chemistry and our concern for our environment.
First you should read the article and then, you should identify one aspect that you found interesting and write a paragraph describing that
Next find a link that shows one of the topics following and link to the article and then write a paragraph that summarizes the article. Paragraphs should be at least three well constructed sentences.
1. Where plastics come from.
2. Alternatives to plastics.
3. How materials science effects food production.
4. Any topic related to chemical "green" technology.
Make sure you put your ID and class section on your work. This project is due by midnight Sunday, 2/28. Remember that if you have not done the previous project you need to do this one for credit. You have until 2/21 to complete the previous project. If you do both projects one will count for extra credit.
Want to improve your work? Read the guidelines for effective work and remember that spelling counts. Please do your project in a word processor and then cut and paste it into the comment box. Sloppy work really doesn't save you time, and it there are glaring spelling errors you will lose credit.
If you have problems, email me at aphsbio at gmail.com. Make sure that you tell me what your problem was, and you can include your completed project.