For this project you should start by reading the article that discusses the man made creation of an element. Normally it takes the power of a star to create new elements, but we have figured out a way to do it.
Then write a paragraph that summarizes the article. Paragraphs should be at least three well constructed sentences.
By the creation of new elements we have expanded our understanding of the nature of the chemical world.
The final part is to find an article or web site about any other topic related to ways we have expanded our knowledge about chemistry or the periodic table and link to it. Finally write a paragraph summarizing the material in your article. Again, paragraphs should be at least three well constructed sentences.
Make sure you put your ID on your work. This project is due by midnight Sunday, 10/11. If you did not do the last project you are required to do this one. If you do both projects one will count for extra credit. If you have problems, email me at aphsbio at gmail.com.