Many scientists have made discoveries that have contributed to our vast knowledge, in all fields. This is an article about a scientist that recently died, that contributed to the field of biochemistry.
For this project you will have to read an article about the contributions of a scientist. In this project you will not all read the article I provide. You should read the article that a previous student posted (except the first poster, who will look at my article.) Then write a paragraph that summarizes the article. Paragraphs should be at least three well constructed sentences. If there is a problem with a link, you may select an earlier student post.
Next you should find and link to an article about a different scientist that made a discovery important to the field of chemistry.
Finally write a paragraph summarizing the material in that article. Again, paragraphs should be at least three well constructed sentences.
Finally write a paragraph summarizing the material in that article. Again, paragraphs should be at least three well constructed sentences.
Make sure you put your ID and class section on your work. This project is due by midnight Sunday, 11/22. Remember that you need at least one project of either this or the next one posted. If you do both projects one will count for extra credit. If you want to get extra credit you must do this article.
If you have problems, email me at aphsbio at gmail.com. Make sure that you tell me what your problem was, and you can include your completed project.
If you have problems, email me at aphsbio at gmail.com. Make sure that you tell me what your problem was, and you can include your completed project.
Paul Zamecnik is co-responsible for the discovery of transfer RNA during his research on how a protein is made. He started his research in the 1950's, when he created a system for modeling proteing synthesis in a test tube. During his research, he and his partners discovered a molecule (RNA) that transports amino acids to the ribosome. This furthered both doctors and scientists discoveries in the molecular biology world.
ReplyDeleteIrene Joliot-Curie: synthesis of new radioactive isotopes
Irene Curie was a French scientist that studied radiology during WW1 and created the thesis on the alpha rays of polonium. She also did work in fields like nuclear physics, artificial radioactivity , and transmutation of elements that was important to chemistry as we know it today. She became director and commissioner at many esteemed facilities and did work like creating the first French Atomic Pile.
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Francis Aston was a Bristish chemist who won a nobel prize in 1922. Aston invented a mass spectrometer and discovered isotopes or many non radioactive elements. He did this by accelerating them threw a magentic field. By doing that the particles that had a charge would curve and the larger charged particles would curve less. With the information he found from this he created the "Whole Number Rule".
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I read the article about Irene Cruie, she was the daughter of Pierre and Marie Curie. She was a scientist that followed in the steps of her parents, which she and her husband continued to study natural and artificial radioactivity. She became a doctor of science in 1925 having a thesis prepared about her study of alpha rays.
ReplyDeleteCopy this Html Ernest Rutherford
Ernest Rutherford proved that the plum pudding model by J.J. Thomson was an incorrect theory of the structure of an atom. The famous Geiger-Marsden experiment made in 1909 by Rutherford lead him to his assumption of what the atomic structure of an atom really was. He discovered that it had many modern features to it.
Ernest Rutherford created the Rutherford model which is a model of what he believed an atom looked like. Rutherford directed the Geiger-Marsden experiment in 1909. This experiment showed that the plum pudding model of the atom from J. J. Thomson was inaccurate. Based on his experiments Rutherford came up with his model where the bulk of the mass of the atom was in the nucleus while the neutrons orbiting around the nucleus were like miniature planets orbiting the sun.
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Dmitri Mendeleev created the first periodic table of elements one night while trying to write his textbook for his students call Principles of Chemistry. He realized if you put the elements in a certain order their chemical properties will show trends. His periodic table of elements is the basis for the one currently used now.
Ernest Rutherford
ReplyDeleteErnest Rutherford came up with the Rutherford Model or planetary model. Rutherford did an experiment in 1909 called the Geiger-Marsden experiment which suggested the Plum pudding model of J.J. Thompson of the atom was wrong. Through Rutherford's experiment his model of the atom contained many modern features. Because of Rutherford scientists began to see that the atom is not made of a single particle but many subatomic particles.
Amedeo Avogadro
Avogadro was an italian savant. He is most known for contributions in the Molecular Theory, Avogadro's Law and the number of elementary entities known as Avogadro's constant. Avogadro's Law states the relationship between the masses of the same volume of different gases at the same temperature and pressure. At first Avogadro's theory was not accepted until later on it finally became recognized and contributed. Avogadro is often times knwon as the founder of the atomic molecular thoery.
Amedeo Avogadro is a famous Italian savant who became famous with his contributions to molecular theory. He is famous for "Avogadro's law" which states equal volumes of gases at the same temperature and pressure contain the same number of molecules. Avogadro's constant is the number of atoms, molecules, and ions in one mole of a substance. His work wasn't recognized by his peers until 1911.
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Niels Bohr is a physicist who made many contributions to understanding the structure and properties of atoms. In 1922 he won the Nobel prize for physics. It was chiefly for his work on atomic structure. He studied under Ernest rutherford for a few years. Bohr created the " Bohr model" of the atom. His theory about atomic structure was an expansion of Ernest rutherford's theory. He believed the outer orbits of atoms could hold more electrons than the inner ones, and these outer orbits determined the atoms chemical properties.
Irene Curie was the daughter of Piere and Marie Curie. She did important work on transmutation of elements and nuclear physics. Irene and her husband shared a Nobel Prize on their research of new radioactive elements. Was eventually appointed Undersecretary of State for Scientific Research.
ReplyDeleteErnest Rutherford
Ernest Rutherford was a chemist and physicist. Rutherford discovered that the positive charge of an atom comes from a nucleus. He created a model of an atom using his gold foil experiment. Rutherford won Nobel Prize in 1908. He also is credited for “splitting an nucleus” and helped with the creation of the experiment with John Cockroft and Ernest Walton, two of his students.