Many claims are made, that offer scientific evidence. But is this evidence valid? This project asks you to explore that question. I have chosen a product that offers scientific evidence for their product. And now I want you to see if that evidence makes sense, based on your understanding of the science involved, and your research.
Easy water makes the claim, "EasyWater is a water conditioner that physically changes the minerals in water to prevent them from forming scale". For this project, you should go to their site and take a look. Write a paragraph about how they say their product works. Paragraphs should be at least three well constructed sentences. Feel free to ask for additional information from them or to call them and question them about their product.
Next you should and write a well constructed 3 sentence paragraph about whether you think the science they explain is true and is this really an alternative to water softeners? To do this you should explain the true scientific facts about their claims vs the facts that you can verify independently.
Make sure you put your ID and class section on your work. This project is due by midnight Sunday, 4/18. Remember that you need to do either this or the next project. If you do both projects one will count for extra credit.
Spelling counts. Please do your project in a word processor and then cut and paste it into the comment box. Sloppy work really doesn't save you time, and it there are glaring spelling errors you will lose credit.
If you have problems, email me at aphsbio at gmail.com. Please tell me exactly what your problem was including any error messages.
How EasyWater works…
ReplyDeleteFirst you wrap the EasyWater signal wire onto a pipe. Then it sends electronic frequencies that flip the charge on the molecules in the water so that they don’t stick together. EasyWater breaks the hydrogen bonds of the water allowing the “hard” water to stay in solution thus leaving behind no build up of molecules this also removes scale build up.
What I think of it…
This kind of didn’t make any sense if EasyWater broke the hydrogen bonds in the water it would just turn into the molecules and not be able to remove scale build up. On the video the site it never said once that it “softens” water it only says it “conditions” it. This product is not a water softener and anyone who buys it for that just wasted $1000+ on a lie.
Easy water is claimed to be a water softener alternative which requires no salt or any other chemical additives. It is an efficient alternative because it requires less energy than a water softener to run it which means it is also echo friendly. Its benefits are saving money by using less energy, protects your appliances that need water for its uses, it removes existing scale from pipes and appliances and many more. Also without the use of chemical additives it is helpful to your health and well being.
ReplyDeleteI believe that this is a healthy and worth while alternative to water softeners. It conditions water without salt or filters and also eliminates hard water build up which makes life a little easier like cleaning bath tub for an example. Since calcium and magnesium make up the hardness of water the water softeners get rid of it but those elements are very important to our daily diet. Softeners use a process called ion exchange which replaces these elements with twice the amount of salt. Now easy water uses a different process that doesn’t remove calcium and magnesium but it changes it physical properties so they lose their ability to stick. I like this process better and feel that it would make life a little easier and beneficial, if everything that they advertise is true.
Easy water is claimed to be a water softener alternative which requires no salt or any other chemical additives. It is an efficient alternative because it requires less energy than a water softener to run it which means it is also echo friendly. Its benefits are saving money by using less energy, protects your appliances that need water for its uses, it removes existing scale from pipes and appliances and many more. Also without the use of chemical additives it is helpful to your health and well being.
ReplyDeleteI believe that this is a healthy and worth while alternative to water softeners. It conditions water without salt or filters and also eliminates hard water build up which makes life a little easier like cleaning bath tub for an example. Since calcium and magnesium make up the hardness of water the water softeners get rid of it but those elements are very important to our daily diet. Softeners use a process called ion exchange which replaces these elements with twice the amount of salt. Now easy water uses a different process that doesn’t remove calcium and magnesium but it changes it physical properties so they lose their ability to stick. I like this process better and feel that it would make life a little easier and beneficial, if everything that they advertise is true.
The Easy Water is said that it stops the build up of hard water. Easy water physically changes the minerals in the water so they do not stick and become hard water. A cord that is in your pipe sends electronic frequencies that stop build up by making the minerals lose their charge.
ReplyDeleteTo me this product is both good and bad. Easy Water stops the build up in the pipes by physically changing the bond without getting rid of the minerals we need like other water treatments do. However, if it changes the minerals then the minerals wont be the same and the water wouldn’t be the same physically either.
EasyWater works by wrapping a signal wire around your water pipe.Electronic frequencies pass through the pipe and cause molecular agitation in the water. Minerals in water are electrically charged and want to stick to objects like your pipes and this causes build up. EasyWater causes the minerals in the "conditioned" water to lose that charge and they dont stick to your pipes. The treatment also breaks the hydrogen bonds in the water molecules to further break down the deposits in pipes.
ReplyDeleteIf all the things the company claims are true are actually correct, this would be a good product. However I think it is a complete scam.Faraday's law in this case, says that you are going to generate an electromagnetic field in the water going through the pipes. Water is a dipole molecule,and I don't believe its molecular structure can be changed by such a weak magnetic field. I also have a problem understanding how the hydrogen bonds can be broken and have the water reamin what we drink and use. To my understanding this would change the molecules a lot. They also do not seem to describe the process in much detail which bothers me. If it's so proven and real why cant they explain it better? Overall I just cant see how the product can do everything it says and still have good drinking water come out of your sinks.They never say "water softener" which is the product they are trying to convince you that they are selling. They only say the water is "conditioned."
Jimmy Sullivan block 3
Easy water is said to be an alternative for water softening and will not require chemical additives.. Easy water is claimed to stopping the buildup of hard water changing the minerals in the water. It is said to work by putting a signal wire around your water pipe. Electronic frequencies pass through the pipe and cause molecular agitation in the water. The minerals fall out of solution and float around the water, they have an electrostatic charge on the surface and want to stick to objects like our pipes. The easy water apparently causes the minerals to fall out of solution and combine together with each other and they lose their electrostatic surface charge and there ability to stick to things. The minerals are suppose to float with the water and not stick to the piping, water heaters, or other water using things.
ReplyDeleteI don’t believe the easy water will work, I personally think it’s a complete scam. The Easy water will not have any positive affects toward being a water softener but I believe if anything it will have negative affects toward our health because apparently Easy water stops the build up in the pipes by physically changing the bond without getting rid of the minerals we need however the changing of the minerals would be a change physically no longer keeping the water safe. Additionally I believe that if easy water says they are going to break the hydrogen bonds in the water it would no longer be able to break up the buildup on your pipes. I don’t believe Easy water will work and do anything positively for you or your pipes.
Philip Diegel Block 3